The postmaster advertises 2 to 3-day delivery. The textbook(s) that are in the package the student selected will be mailed by U.S. If your course is not complete at the maximum extension time, you may repurchase the course with a 10% discount offered. Courses will not be allowed to go over one year old. If you are unable to complete your course within the allotted period (on the expiration date the course will end at midnight EST), there will be extension options available in two-month increments, with the maximum being 6 months (180 days). The date of expiration is located in the upper right-hand corner of your course page. Course Expiration - You have six (6) months to complete your course from the date of purchase.This course is NOT designed to be printed for security purposes and copyright regulations.The student can work through the course at their convenience. There is no refund once the course is purchased.Purchase Information1 Information needed to know before Purchasing the course: